Short courses

As part of Piddington CPD, we offer a series of short courses covering specific topics. These are all developed in consultation with practitioners and the judiciary.

Evidence Essentials

Evidence Essentials is being piloted in 2024. Across two weeks, participants come to grasp the foundations of evidence, as well as understanding unique issues across civil, criminal and family law.

Developed in consultation with the profession and judiciary, Evidence Essentials looks at applying the principles in this area, how to resolve them and developing a stronger eye for the core issues in practice.

Details are available here


Advocacy Weekend

Our Advocacy Weekend is designed for junior lawyers, and more experienced practitioners wanting to refresh their skills. It is a residential course over a weekend in regional WA.

Coaches comprise lawyers and judicial officers from civil, criminal and family law background, offering support and feedback to enhance the skills of attendees.

Attendees work collaboratively on a problem case and demonstrate their skills in two sessions, as well as receiving presentations on particular topics and seeing a demonstration from coaches.

The Advocacy Weekend is held annually in August.

Register your interest in attending here

Piddington Mediation Program

The Piddington Mediation Program (PMP) has been deliberately designed to develop lawyer skills in mediations.

It was established after wide consultations with judicial officers, mediators and the profession, crossing the four key areas of mediation skills: Psychology, Preparation, Process and Enforcement.

The psychology session covers what lies beneath the legal issues, how to approach the mediation and skills for negotiations. Preparation considers the preparation of your case, your client and yourself. Process includes presentations from different jurisdictions about their approaches and variances. The Program concludes with enforcement, or the art and skill of making the agreement stick.

Details are available here


Family Law Advocacy Workshop

The Family Law Advocacy Workshop is a full-day course guiding practitioners through the essential skills to be an effective advocate in the family law context.

Attendees hear presentations on the principles of advocacy, see and review advocacy demonstrations in action, practice their own advocacy with the support of the coaches and reflect upon what they learned across the day with their colleagues.

The Workshop is held annually in July.

Register your interest in attending here

Investigations Workshop

A collaboration between with the Industrial Relations Society of WA, the Investigations Workshop takes you through the key issues of workplace investigations from before they start through to making findings.

A full-day event across seven core areas, you will hear from legal, investigatory and HR experts to develop your foundational skills and understanding in this growing area of practice.

In order, the seven core areas considered will be: identification of problems worth investigating, preparation of starting an investigation, drafting allegations, interviewing skills, gathering and assessing evidence, drafting final reports and ethical issues.

Details are available here